According to some recent Australian businessews, Australian companies are amongst the worlds worst in paying their bills. The pay lag is often around 53 days, which is likely to cause a cash flow problem for many businesses. The trouble is it is a vicious circle with a business unable to pay its bills until it gets payment from other companies. But these other companies are also waiting to receive payment.This trend isot a good one, Australian businessews sources claim.ow the global economic crisis is pretty much over  at least in Australia - good cash flow is critical to prevent any return to the bad times. Companies are doing themselves and other Australian companies a disservice by paying their bills so late. The cycle of late payments must be broken somewhere along the line to prevent cash flow crises that will impact business growth and stability.Electrical, gas and sanitary companies are the worst offenders, while the real estate, finance and insurance sectors pay their bills a little more quickly, though they are still later than they should be. Australian businessews experts suggest that it may be possible to change these late habits by taking out a small loan to pay bills on time. If everyone did that then the cycle of late payments between businesses could be broken.Australian businessews also reports that, Australia is the fourth worst payer of bills in the Pacific-Asia region. Businesses should work to break such a poor reputation.

Australian Businessews Tells On Companies

Australian Businessews Tells On Companies