Editors and publishers have a right to be picky about the articles they accept and publish, especially with online publication. What makes a good article in print is different than what makes a good article for the Internet.

Articles that are used for Internet marketing require certain things to make sure they are picked up by search engine robot crawls. Don't underestimate the importance of a search-friendly article, because an article that has popular keywords that are carefully placed and is optimized for search engines will have a higher ranking and will show up closer to the top of search engine result pages, therefore bringing your article more visitors and revenue.

Qualities of a Good Article
Articles that are written specifically for online publication require a few basic things:
* The use of well-researched keywords that are relevant to your topic and the website the article will be published on.
* Unique content based on research and supported with resources. All youeed to do for this is provide a link and date for Internet resources and the title, author, publication, and date for print resources that you use.
* Finding a different angle or putting aew spin on a common story idea.
* Provide evergreen articles. Evergreen articles are useful for websites with a lot of content. These are articles that are timeless. The same article could be read today, two months fromow, or two years fromow and still be a quality article with something to offer the reader.

Article Writing Tips
The best advice for writing articles is to read a lot. Readewspapers, magazines, books, and online articles frequently to stay on top of the latest research and find out what people really want to read about. Know what other types of articles are on the market and what topics are most popular. It's especially important to be familiar with competitive articles on the same topic or with similar keywords.

If youeed to write a high volume of articles on the same topic for a website to increase traffic, here are a few tips on how to keep the ideas coming:
* Do an online search for your keywords and read what else is out there on your topic. Brainstorm to see if there is anything you can add on the topic or if you can put aew spin on an old idea.
* Read books on your topic and flip to the index to find the keywords used throughout the book. See if there are any ideas you can expand on from this list.
* Visit online forums based on your subject. Read posts and talk to others about your topic to get ideas flowing.
* Write articles based on a single fact or statistic. Journals, studies, and recentews articles are good sources for this type of information.

Promoting Websites and Services with Article Marketing
A popular use for online articles is to market goods and services available on websites. The first step in an effective marketing campaign is to write quality articles to post regularly on your website. There articles shouldot

What Makes a Good Article And Who Says

What Makes a Good Article And Who Says