Oats are Good for Your Health

Posted by ko | 6:41 PM | 0 comments »

The humble oat madeutrition history in 1997 when the FDA allowed a label to be placed on oat products claiming an association between consumption of a diet high in oatmeal, oat bran, or oat flour and a reduced risk for coronary heart disease-theumber one killer in the U.S. The overall conclusion from the FDA review was that oats could lower serum cholesterol levels, especially LDLs. The FDA stated that the main active ingredient that yielded this positive effect is the soluble fibre found in oats called "beta glucan." The press jumped all over thisews and oats, particularly oat bran, became the magic bullet against cholesterol. Subsequent research showed that the cholesterol-lowering effect of oat bran was less dramatic than originally thought and the oat bran story faded away. However,ew discoveries, combined with what's been known about oats for years, have revealed that their health-promoting powers are truly impressive. Oats are low in calories and high in fibre and protein. They're a rich source of magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, thiamine, and pantothenic acid. They also contain phytonutrients such as polyphenols, phytoestrogens, lignins, protease inhibitors, and vitamin R. They're an excellent source of tocotrienols and multiple tocopherols - important members of the vitamin E family. The synergy of theutrients in oats makes them an outstanding and formidable Superfood. The degree of protection against disease offered by oats and other whole grains is greater than that of any of their ingredients taken in isolation. In addition to their power to reduce disease and improve your health, oats are a flagship Superfood for practical reasons: they're inexpensive, readily available, and incredibly easy to incorporate into your life. Oatmeal is on virtually every menu of every restaurant serving breakfast, and if you could only remember to eat a bowl of oats regularly, you'd be on the road to better health.It's the cholesterol-lowering power of oats that drew the most attention to this lowly grain. The specific fibre-beta glucan-in oats is the soluble fibre that seems to be responsible for this benefit. Study after study has shown that individuals with high cholesterol (above 220 mg/dl), consuming just 3 grams of soluble oat fibre per day-or roughly the amount in a bowl of oatmeal-can lower total cholesterol by 8 to 23 percent. Given that each percentage drop in serum cholesterol translates to a 2 percent decrease in the risk of developing heart disease. That's a significant effect.In addition to the power of oat fibre, researchers have been excited to learn more about the phytonutrients in grains and how they help to prevent disease. The germ and bran of oats contain a concentrated amount of phytonutrients, including caffeic acid and ferulic acid. Ferulic acid has been the focus of recent research (that shows promising evidence of its ability to prevent colon cancer in animals and other experimental models). Feru

Oats are Good for Your Health

Oats are Good for Your Health