Here is aews flash that may make you sit up and takeotice. Recent studies have shown that an alarming amount of municipal drinking water throughout several states contain traces of prescription drugs. Without the right kind of filter your water supply today can contain a host of ills and even a few prescription drugs. Antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mental stabilizers and even hormones are among the evils hiding in our water supply.
In addition to the drugs, a myriad of pollutants and contaminants are lurking in our water, including industrial and farm chemicals,itrates, pesticides, disinfectants, and even arsenic. In theot too distant past, a person would only have to be concerned about using a water filter to protect themselves against such things if traveling to a very rural and underdeveloped region or when hiking alone in the wilderness.
Decades ago, drinking water pollution was seldom heard in theews and theeed for a water filter was relatively rare.evertheless, progress has its price and it has taken its toll on our water supply. We cano longer count on the water coming out of our kitchen taps as being safe for us.
Are you ready to go running out to buy a water filter yet Ifot, you should be But, an overwhelming majority of American"s who are surveyed show little oro concern about the possible harm they are doing to their bodies by drinking contaminated water.
Too many people are ignorant about theeed for safer water and theeed for a water filter at home because they have been lulled into a false sense of security by their local government, who assure their citizens that their drinking water is safe by sending out periodic reports. What the municipalities areot telling its residents, however, is that the so-called safety level of the water is marginally over an unacceptable level.
The irony is that many American"s seem to want to be healthier, as evidenced by increased gym memberships and purchases at health food and vitamin stores. But, what most are failing to recognize and address is undoubtedly the most important aspect of a maintaining a healthy body - taking in adequate amounts of good, clean water. Considering that the human body comprised of 70-80% water, why don"t people realize that drinking pure water and using a water filter for this purpose are 2 steps that are imperative to their well-being
Let us stop and consider the good points and bad points about our drinking water for a moment. The bad points include contaminants, fecal matter, heavy metals, chlorine, arsenic, lead and aumber of other toxins. Contaminated water supplies can cause serious health problems, allergies, birth defects and even death. You might also consider the fact that we have to drink water to survive as being a bad point in some instances, especially if the only water available contains high levels of dangerous substances.
The good points about water include its unique ability to quench our thirst and hydrate our bodies.

The Untold Good, Bad And Real Ugly Facts About How Safe Your Drinking Water Is

The Untold Good, Bad And Real Ugly Facts About How Safe Your Drinking Water Is